Noughts and crosses written in C#

First attempt to make something in C#. Just a simple noughts and crosses game.

Bat out of Hell - A game made using pygame

Bat out of Hell is a bullet dodging game made using Python / Pygame. This is my first attempt at making a game using pygame. I started by following a tutorial, but have added more features. See the README for a full list of added features.

League of Legends Discord Bot

A discord bot that allows you to register your league of legends summoner name You can then run a command to return the ranks and win rate of al registered summoners.

A Random League of Legends Champion selector

After deciding a run a 1v1 League of Legends tournament. It was decided that we wanted the champ selection to be random This tool talks to the Riot Games API to get a list of champions and then random selects some for each player. It also implements a ban list if there are some champs that your group doesn't want to see anyone play.

A script to download League of Legends champion stats

This is a python script which will talk to the Riot Static game data API. It will pull all of the stats (eg, health, health regen, AD, ect..) for all of the champions in the game. It will then save the data to a CSV file. The static data is manually updated by the Riot team. When a patch comes out, it won't always be updated on the same day.

A script to download lists of Magic the Gathering sets

Using the Scryfall API, this script will download a list of cards from a MtG set and save it to a CSV file. It will also download tokens and promo cards for the set. It returns card number, card name, colour and rarity. Also gives the option to list the pre-release promos Handy for generating a list for collections (that's initially why I made it).

A script to download a list of MtG cards which are a certain type

This will ask what type of card you want to download a list of, eg- turtles, lands, merfolk, ect. The lists can be quite large, and it can take a while to download, so be patient. It will save it to a CSV file. The data it pulls includes card name, card colour, rarity, set name and set date.


A ruby Gem to assist with calls to Riot Games API

A choose your own adventure game made in Ruby

I wanted to test my Ruby skills, so I decided to try and make a game. It's a choose your own adventure style game. I've only made the first level so far. Needs some refactoring

Roman Numerals Converter

Can convert Roman numbers to Arabic numbers and vice versa

The kks110 website

This site is built with React and Gatsby

A script to ping and save to a timestamped file

There are 2 scripts. One will keep pinging until you stop it whereas the other will ping for as long as you tell it to. Handy for troubleshooting network problems. Timestamps are useful if you can't keep an eye on it. Overnight for example.